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Meet Patricia

Zumba instructor, mother, wife, sister, writer and Venezuelan.


About me

Hi, I'm Patricia. I started my fitness career in 2018 when I trained to become a Zumba Instructor. It took me some time to get used to this totally new industry. As a result, I spent the summer and fall of that year, learning the choreographies, selecting the best music, as well as guest instructing various classes around Stockholm. Since January 2019, I have been developing as an instructor and teaching continuously to adults, gradually adding new classes for seniors, expectant mothers, new mothers, babies, and children.


Nowadays, I teach my classes in different locations physically and virtually in Tullinge, Stockholm, or Sweden along with being a #generationpep ambassador.


When I’m not working as an instructor, I spend most of my time developing my other passions or being a mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, Latina, Venezuelan, migrant, global citizen or perhaps writing.


My fitness licenses

  • Zumba Fitness Instructor

  • Zumba Gold Instructor

  • Zumbini Instructor

  • Zumba Kids Instructor

My Goal

My primary aim as an instructor is to elevate the experience of my participants.


Being healthy isn't about turning into a fitness fanatic; it's about developing a deep appreciation for regular training that benefits our body, mind, heart, and soul.


I strive to ensure that none of my students ever feel bored. Instead, I want them to experience a sense of welcome, encouragement, energy, and hope for the next Zumba class, event or party.

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